Rust Programming for Python Developers
Course Description
Aimed at Python developers, this five-day Rust programming course is designed to help you transition from Python to Rust with confidence. Led by an expert trainer, the course combines engaging content with hands-on labs, ensuring you grasp Rust's unique features and gain practical experience. By the end of the course, you'll be confident in writing comprehensive tests and documentation, making you an effective Rust programmer.
Duration: 5 days
Participants will learn how to: Master Rust Syntax and Semantics: Get comfortable writing and understanding Rust code, including how to use control flow, functions, and module imports. Implement Memory Management: Learn to manage memory effectively in Rust by mastering concepts like ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes to ensure your code is both safe and efficient. Leverage Cargo and Crates: Become adept at using Cargo to manage Rust projects and dependencies, and explore how to integrate popular crates like Serde, Tokio, and SQLx to add powerful features to your applications. Utilize Rust's Concurrency Model: Discover how to write efficient and concurrent programs using Rust's concurrency tools, such as threads, Mutex, RwLock, and async/await. Employ Pattern Matching and Generics: Understand and apply pattern matching with enums and functions, and use generics to create flexible and reusable code. Create and Test Rust Applications: Develop complete Rust applications, including writing tests with Rust's testing framework and generating clear, comprehensive documentation using Rustdoc.
Proficiency in Python Programming: A strong understanding of Python syntax, functions, and modules - either prior attendance on our Python 3 Introduction course or similar experience is advised. Basic Knowledge of Programming Concepts: Familiarity with variables, expressions, control flow (loops and conditionals), and basic data structures. Experience with Version Control Systems: Basic experience using Git for version control, including committing, branching, and merging code. Understanding of Software Development Practices: Familiarity with project management tools and practices - virtual environments, dependency management, and code testing.
Who should attend
This course is designed for Python developers looking to expand their programming skills with Rust. It is ideal for software engineers, system programmers, and developers interested in performance-critical and concurrent applications. Whether in a new or existing role, this course provides the knowledge and skills to excel in Rust programming.
Getting Started with Rust
What is Rust? Philosophy and Goals History and Motivation Differences between Rust and Python Rust Community and Ecosystem Exploring the Rust Playground
Rust Editors
Setting up VSCode with Rust Extensions Using Rust Rover IDE Debugging Rust Code in VSCode Integrating GitHub Copilot for Rust
Hello World
Creating a New Rust Project Writing the Main Function Printing to the Console Adding Comments to Code
Understanding What Cargo Is Comparing Cargo to Pip and Conda Rust Crates vs Python Packages Using Run, Build, and Release Commands Installing and Managing Third-Party Crates
Popular Cargo Crates
Overview of Serde for Serialization Introduction to Tokio for Asynchronous Programming Using Reqwest for HTTP Requests Working with SQLx for Database Interactions Error Handling with Anyhow
Rust and Python Differences
Static Typing in Rust vs Dynamic Typing in Python Memory Management Techniques Error Handling Approaches Control Flow: Sequence, Selection, and Iteration Structs vs Classes, and Traits vs Protocols
Scalar Types and Data
Comparing Rust Types with Python Types Defining Constants in Rust Using Immutable Variables Utilizing Mutable Variables
Code Logic
Writing If Statements Using Loops with Break Implementing While Loops
Defining and Calling Functions Specifying Parameter and Return Types Creating and Using Closure Functions
Importing Modules from the Standard Library Importing Modules from Third-Party Crates Defining Custom Modules Importing and Using Custom Modules
Built-In Macros
Using print!, println!, and format! Macros Working with vec!, include_str!, and include_bytes! Employing cfg!, env!, and panic! Macros
Memory Management
Understanding Ownership & Borrowing Concepts Working with References Differentiating Immutable vs Mutable References Managing Lifetimes in Rust Heap Allocation with Box and Rc
Using String Slices and String Objects Converting Between Slices and Strings Parsing Numbers from Strings Trimming Strings and Printing with Interpolation
Understanding What a Tuple Is Using Heterogeneous Elements Accessing and Destructuring Tuple Elements Immutability of Tuples
Defining and Using Enums Exploring Enum Variants and Methods Pattern Matching with Enums Working with Result and Option Enums
Creating and Using Struct Instances Using Field Initialization Shorthand Implementing Methods and Associated Functions Employing the Constructor Pattern
Creating and Managing Vectors Adding and Removing Elements Accessing and Iterating Over Elements Slicing, Checking Length, and Capacity
Collections and Iterators
Using Vectors, Arrays, and Slices Working with HashMaps and Hash Sets Implementing Iteration with Iterators
Defining and Implementing Traits Using Default Trait Implementations Passing Traits as Parameters and Return Types
Defining and Implementing Generics in Rust Using Generic Bounds and Multiple Types Writing Where Clauses for Generics
Pattern Matching
Understanding Pattern Matching Concepts Using Match, If Let, and While Let Statements Destructuring Structs and Tuples Pattern Matching with Enums and Functions
Concurrent Programming
Introduction to Concurrent Programming Concepts Using Multiple Threads in Rust Working with Mutex, RwLock, and Arc Message Passing with Channels Futures and Async/Await for Concurrency
Unsafe Rust
Understanding the Need for Unsafe Rust Working with Raw Pointers and Dereferencing Calling Unsafe Functions and Creating Safe Abstractions Using Unsafe Traits and Blocks
Macros and Metaprogramming
Defining and Using Macros with macro_rules! Pattern Matching in Macros Defining and Expanding Custom Macros Tests Writing and Organizing Test Functions Using Test Attributes and Coverage Tools Assertions with assert!, assert_eq!, and assert_ne!
Documentation with Rustdoc
Generating Documentation with Rustdoc Adding Triple-Slash Comments and #[doc] Attributes Linking and Cross-Referencing Documentation
Python Extension written in Rust (overview)
Creating and Running Python Extensions in Rust Compiling and Debugging Rust Extensions Running Parallel Code Outside of the GIL Managing GIL and Rust Lifetimes Creating Python Classes in Rust