Python Training Courses

Python programming - Introduction This three day course is a practical introduction to Python 3. Participants will gain a clear grasp of the fundamentals of python programming and how to use that knowledge to automate tasks and derive insights from data.
Automation with Python This course teaches Python 3 from the ground up and uses this to automate a variety of tasks. This includes document manipulation, web scraping, sending emails and data processing.
Data Analysis with Python This course is intended to give attendees an insight into many of Python’s capabilities for data analysis, and the tools and techniques available to derive insights from data. Attendees are expected to have prior python programming experience, or would benefit from first attending our Python Programming Introduction course, if they do not.
Advanced Python Programming This course is intended to give attendees an insight into many of Python’s more advanced features and libraries, to enable them to leverage the power of the language more fully.
Supercharge your Excel skills with Python and OpenPyXl This course is for people who are proficient at Excel and want to add in the power of Python, the world's best programming language for data analytics.

It assumes no experience with programming and will start by demonstrating how to set up a development environment. It will then cover the basic programming required to work with Python, followed by a walk-through of the facilities that are available in OpenPyXl - the main library for working with Excel from Python. It will conclude with some practical examples to demonstrate the extra power that Python can give you when working with Excel.

Introduction to Programming This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of programming. Depending on the client requirements, it uses the relevant environment - such as Visual Basic, Java, C#, C++, Python etc - to show various principles, examples, and structures. It can be used as an introduction to any development language as it outlines the concepts rather than the specific features of a particular language, which would be the next stage in the development of new programmers.